Application programming interface (API) is a computer programming approach for facilitating exchange of information and executing instructions between different computer systems. Open APIs refer to APIs that allow third party access to systems of an organisation.
Open API allows financial institutions to open up their internal IT systems and data for programmatic access by third-party service providers (TSPs) or their counterparts in an open and documented manner. Effective implementation of Open API enables, information of different banks’ products and services to be aggregated under the same website / application for comparison and financial planning by users with ease. Service providers may also make use of the open information to offer unique products and new customer experience.
Source:Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Mortgage Plan
Mortgage Offer
Mortgage Rebate
Prime-based Mortgage Plan
Residential Properties: as low as P-2.25% to 1.75% (P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
HIBOR Mortgage Plan
Residential Properties as low as H+1.3% to 1.5%, cap at P-2.25% to 1.75% (H is the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) and P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
Mortgage Insurance Programme
Residential Properties HIBOR Mortgage Plan: as low as H+1.3% to 1.5%, cap at P-2.25% to 1.75% Prime-based Mortgage Plan: P-2.25% to 1.75% (H is the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) and P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
Government Housing Scheme Mortgage Plan
as low as P-2.25% to 1.75% (P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
'Smart' Mortgage Scheme
Residential Properties as low as H+1.3% to 1.5%, cap at P-2.25% to 1.75% Prime-based Mortgage Plan: as low as P-2.25% to 1.75% (H is the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) and P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
'All-You-Want' Mortgage Scheme
Residential Properties as low as H+1.3% to 1.5%, cap at P-2.25% to 1.75% Prime-based Mortgage Plan: as low as P-2.25% to 1.75% (H is the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) and P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
Bridging Loan
as low as P-2.25% to 1.75% (P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
Mortgage Refinancing/ Mortgage Refinancing with Top-up/Mortgage Top-up Services
Residential Properties as low as H+1.3% to 1.5%, cap at P-2.25% to 1.75% Prime-based Mortgage Plan: as low as P-2.25% to 1.75% (H is the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) and P is the Bank's HKD Best Lending Rate)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
Reverse Mortgage Programme
P-2.5% (P is the Hong Kong Prime Rate quoted by The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC)
Subject to Bank's prevailing promotional offer
Prime deposit-linked mortgage
Prime - 2.75%
HIBOR deposit-linked Mortgage
HIBOR+1.5% (Cap at P-2.75%)
Home smart mortgage
Prime - 2.75%
Prime-based mortgage
Prime - 2.75%
HIBOR mortgage
HIBOR+1.5% (Cap at P-2.75%)
Advance on mortgage / Property Refinancing service
HIBOR+1.5% (Cap at P-2.75%)/ Prime-2.75%
90% mortgage
HIBOR+1.5% (Cap at P-2.75%)/ Prime-2.75%
HighAdvance Mortgage
Interest Rate: For HIBOR Plan: as low as H+1.40%, cap at P-1.75%. For Best Lending Rate Plan: as low as P-1.75%. (H and P refer to HIBOR and Best Lending Rate quoted by HSBC respectively.)
Cash Rebate:
Government Housing Schemes
Interest Rate: For HIBOR Plan: as low as H+1.40%, cap at P-1.75%. For Best Lending Rate Plan: as low as P-1.75%. (H and P refer to HIBOR and Best Lending Rate quoted by HSBC respectively.)
Cash Rebate:
Home Mortgage Loan
Interest Rate: For HIBOR Plan: as low as H+1.40%, cap at P-1.75%. For Best Lending Rate Plan: as low as P-1.75%. (H and P refer to HIBOR and Best Lending Rate quoted by HSBC respectively.)
Cash Rebate:
Conventional Mortgage Plan
In general, HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)
Cash Rebate: Case by case
Mortgage-Link Loan Scheme
Prime-based mortgage: P-1.75% / HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)
Cash Rebate: Case by case
Property Refinancing
Prime-based mortgage: P-1.75% / HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)
Cash Rebate: Case by case
Property Secured Overdraft Facility
First 6 months: P-1%, Starting from 7th month: P+1%
Mortgage Loans for Government Housing Scheme
In general, Prime-based mortgage: P-1.75% / HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)
Cash Rebate: Case by case
Hang Seng "Mortgage Insurance Programme"
Prime-based mortgage: P-1.75% / HIBOR Mortgage: H+1.3% (Cap at P-1.75%)
Cash Rebate: Case by case
Residential Mortgage Loans
H Plan as low as H+1.4% (Cap up to P-2.75%)
Government Housing Scheme Mortgage Loans
P Plan as low as P-2.75%
Non-Residential Mortgage Loans
H Plan H+1.7% (Cap at P-2.65%)
Mortgage Plus
With "Mortgage Plus", your designated HKD Current Account is linked to your mortgage loan account, helping you save interest expenses and shorten the repayment tenor. Interest rate as low as Prime-2.75% OR Hibor+1.5%, cap at Prime-2.75%.
Up to 0.5% cash rebate
90% Mortgage Plan
Mortgage Insurance Program with Interest rate as low as Prime-2.75% OR Hibor+1.5%, cap at Prime-2.75%.
Up to 0.5% cash rebate
Prime Rate-Based Mortgage Plan
Mortgage Plan based on Prime rate. Interest rate as low as Prime-2.75%.
Up to 0.5% cash rebate
Hibor Rate-Based Mortgage Plan
Mortgage Plan based on Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR). Interest rate as low as Hibor+1.5%, cap at Prime-2.75%.
Up to 0.5% cash rebate
Home Ownership Scheme Mortgage Plan
Home Ownership Scheme Mortgage Plan with Interest rate as low as Prime-2.75%.
Prime Rate Plan with MIA
As low as P-2.75% (P is the Bank's Prime Rate, which is currently 5.25% p.a.). Minimum loan amount HKD2,000,000.
Up to 0.8%
H+1.4%, Capped at P-2.75% (H is the 1-month HIBOR; P is the Bank's Prime Rate, which is currently 5.25% p.a.). Minimum loan amount HKD2,000,000.
Up to 0.8%
As low as P-2.75% (P is the Bank's Prime Rate, which is currently 5.25% p.a.). Minimum loan amount HKD1,000,000.
Up to 0.8%
Tenant Purchase Scheme (TPS) Mortgage
Prime - 2.5%
Overseas Residential Property Financing (Australia / United Kingdom)
1-month Cost of Funds + 1.6%
Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) Mortgage Plan
Prime - 2.5%
Commercial and Industrial Mortgage
3 month H + 1.5% or P - 2.5%, whichever is lower
HIBOR-linked Mortgage Plan (With Interest Rate Cap)